7. Siyaset Bilimi ve Uluslararası İlişkiler Kongresi

Etkinlik Kategorisi: Bilimsel Kongre / Sempozyum Organizasyonu

Etkinlik Türü: Kongre

Etkinlik Organizasyonu Yılı: 2024

Katılımcı Sayısı: 200


Karadeniz Technical University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences Department of International Relations organizes the 7th Political Science and International Relations Congress between 9-11 October 2024. The congress held by Karadeniz Technical University will be carried out at Prof. Dr. Osman Turan Culture and Congress Center.

Our congress brings together academics and researchers working in the field of Political Science and International Relations, enabling them to discuss current issues and exchange information. Focusing on registered themes every year, our national peer-reviewed congress brings together academics and post-graduate certificates.

Today, international politics is shaped by traditional power elements as well as modern tools offered by technological innovations. In particular, social and international health problems of new weapon systems, economic practices and socio-cultural changes brought about by artificial intelligence technology are among the main topics of discussion. While the international system preserves its principles and constantly maintains policies and practices; diplomacy and international law policy are also gaining importance in the solution creating process at the increasing, diversified international level. In this context, our congress aims to include original papers and panels that address the "old" and "new" differences in global politics and international science discipline.