Strategic Management, Agility and Right Technologies for Youth

Yıldız O. (Executive), Ayvaz E., Kalyoncu S., Sönmez K., Yıldız İ., Değermenci B., et al.

Erasmus Project, 2020 - 2022

  • Project Type: Erasmus Project
  • Begin Date: December 2020
  • End Date: November 2022

Project Abstract

Crisis no matter if it’s financial, environmental or political, is a driving force for transformation of the economy and the businesses. Tоday the digital transformation of the businesses is more needed than ever, since the global need of preventing and managing situations that can affect the market conditions and the traditional ways of doing business. While no one can anticipate organizational, financial, environmental, technological crisis it’s important that new businesses are ready to handle these situations should they ever occur. 

New business models, digitalization of services and products, remote work systems, cyber security, digital channels for communication with clients and employees are key factors for sustainability of every emerging business. Being an Entrepreneur in the Digital Age means to be aware of how to run a business which is agile and prepared to react to every crisis by implementing the right technologies. The educational programs in entrepreneurship should be also adapted by taking into account the emerging need of sustainability and digitalization. 

The “SMART Youth” project aims: 

1) to identify types of crises that can arise, the needed skills and knowledge required for running entirely digital business or business which is agile and ready to respond to change in situation of crisis 
2.) to address the emerging needs of the new generation of entrepreneurs by launching a new curriculum; 
3.) to build on the capacity of the staff in higher education institutions and other training organisations; 
4.) to foster collaboration among businesses, students, young entrepreneurs, academic staff and other stakeholders; 
5.) to stimulate creativity of young people and to make them think about crisis management, new business models and sustainability through digitalization; 

The partnership involves four universities from Bulgaria, Turkey, Romania and Ireland as well as two chambers of commerce and industry from Turkey and Bulgaria.

The role of the business-support organisations is to analyse the needs, the opportunities and the successful experiences in the field of entrepreneurship during crisis, to promote the project through their network of contacts, including Enterprise Europe Network, organisations in support of start-ups and entrepreneurship.

The role of the universities is to bring their experience in development of educational programs, in building entrepreneurial skills and competencies and in implementation of new online methods for teaching and learning.

Before starting the creation of the new Curriculum the project foresees the conduction of a research on risks and opportunities and a research on the needed entrepreneurial skills. The Curriculum will include at least six courses focused on development of specific skills that entrepreneurs need when starting a business that is agile and can work or adapt to work during crisis. The next step will be the organisation of a short-term joint staff training in Ireland that will be attended by the lecturers from the participating countries. It aims to build on the capacity of the PPs' staff and to ensure good understanding of the topics included in the curriculum. In order to test the Curriculum and to foster the transnational interactions and the exchange of knowledge between lecturers, students, successful businesses and solution providers, the PPs will organize international pilot training(virtual boot camps). The videos from the boot-camps will also serve as an example of innovative method for interactive teaching and learning that can be implemented in HE and other training institutions. These videos will be uploaded in a virtual space “Smart business toolbox” where young entrepreneurs will also have access to different types of tools and materials that will help them to start their sustainable businesses, to find digital technologies and reliable business solutions, to assess their digital competences, to find inspiring stories and best practices.

The PPs will maximize the number of the organisations implementing the Curriculum, by developing a recognition toolkit that will ensure credit transferability, sustainability and substantial impact. In order to multiply the dissemination effect and increase the project visibility the PPs will implement a communication strategy, laying down promotional instruments and multiplier events.  

The PPs will strive to ensure proper implementation of the planned activities and sustainability of the action and its results. To ensure the efficient management and quality control the Coordinator and the PPs will follow preliminary defined procedures for reporting, administrative and financial control. The project success will be measured by set of indicators and the PPs will follow a methodology for evaluation of the project development at every stage.