The Effect of Evaluating Graduate Thesis Topics as Invention Notification Form on Industrial and Intellectual Property Applications: The Case of Karadeniz Technical University

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Sabır H., Sönmez K., Kalyoncu S., Ayvaz E., Değermenci B., Yıldız İ., ...More

ITTC 17 - 17th International Technology Transfer Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 9 - 11 October 2024, no.214450179, pp.22-26

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Full Text
  • City: Ljubljana
  • Country: Slovenia
  • Page Numbers: pp.22-26
  • Karadeniz Technical University Affiliated: Yes


Industrial and intellectual property is an important structure that is popular all over the world. Each country has legal regulations in the field of intellectual and industrial property in order to protect one's invention. The 6769 Industrial and Intellectual Property Law, which entered into force in 2017, paved the way for universities in Türkiye to have rights in applications for inventions such as patents, utility models and designs. Thesis studies that young researchers start during their postgraduate period are focused solely on publication. The commercialization and patenting potential of theses determined without analyzing the needs of the industrial sector is low, and this makes the thesis work of many engineers inefficient. It is necessary for KTU that is the application authority, to develop new strategies to increase industrial property assets. This study aims to reveal the effect on the number of patent applications by Karadeniz Technical University (KTU) as a result of the evaluation of graduate thesis topics without request. Within the scope of the new strategy, a methodology was applied for the evaluation of patent and utility model application data in the KTÜ patent portfolio, the distribution of data by year, and patent registration documents. In this study, direct patent and utility model application data were evaluated. When the application data was examined, it was seen that the new strategy implemented increased the industrial property assets.