20th ISPRS Congress on Technical Commission VII, İstanbul, Turkey, 12 - 23 July 2004, vol.35
Three-dimensional (3D) city models present and animate all urban features such as buildings, highways, parking areas bridges on computer platform. 3D city reconstruction helps to set a base for reorganizing current city structures and it is an important requirement to help future decision-making process. A 3D model shows what is going to change and happen at the end of a new design. It explains the result of recommended changes visually. To reach a beneficial decision, it convinces decision maker by providing sufficient argument. Simulating real world and reconstructing planned projects trains the related user to evaluate possible results. 3D models make perceiving real world easy. There are many application areas such as urban planning, archeology, virtual tourism, simulation, restoration.. etc. for 3D reconstruction. In this study different methods and data acquisition techniques were examined for 3D city modeling. Various pilot works were done with using of the Photogrammetry and the GIS. For example, in Photogrammetric application, 3D model building started with the acquisition of the sufficient image data and was completed by constructing graphical data. In GIS application, graphic and non-graphic data related to a local urban area were collected to integrate and update information about created 3D model and GIS infrastructure was built depending on data base design. Each technique was tested in view of their usability, ease, effectiveness, and the optimum way in building 3D city was determined, depending on used data and requirements in the case study.