Proceedings of 3rd International Civil Engineering and Architecture Congress (ICEARC’23), Trabzon, Turkey, 12 - 14 October 2023, vol.1, pp.532-544
Purpose: It is aimed to present the effect of the distance (b) of the strip foundation on the top of slope from the edge of
a horizontal top surface of slope with purely cohesionless soil on the bearing capacity in this study.
Study design/methodology/approach: This study consists of numerical analysis with finite element method. In this
study, the models were made using Plaxis 2D program. The soil has a slope angle of 15˚, 20˚, 30˚ and 40˚, a height
(H) of 2 m, a unit weight of 19 kN/m3
and internal friction angle of 40˚. The strip foundations with a foundation
depth (Df=0) and different widths (B=1 m, 1.5 m, 2 m) were analyzed for b/B of 0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.
Findings: This study gives accurate results with the literature. It is observed that the bearing capacity of strip foundation
on the top of the slope increases as it moves away from the top of the slope at a distance of 4~5 times the width of the
foundation dependent on and the bearing capacity of the foundation appears to be constant after this distance.
Originality/value: The bearing capacity coefficient (Nq) of a strip foundation on the top of slope of purely cohesionless
soil of 40˚ was determined in terms of B, b/B and internal friction angle. In addition, an empirical correlation was developed to estimate the
bearing capacity coefficient.