Contribution to the Alien Flora of Turkey: Impatiens glandulifera Royle (Balsaminaceae)


KSU TARIM VE DOGA DERGISI-KSU JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURE AND NATURE, vol.25, no.1, pp.78-82, 2022 (ESCI) identifier identifier


During a few decades, rapidly increasing number of studies have documented about the spread and expansion of alien plant species all over the world. These species are either introduced intentionally or unintentionally outside of their natural ranges. Impatiens glandulifera Royle (Balsaminaceae) introduced in Europe intentionally as garden and nectar-producing plant but later it was spread and became a highly invasive annual species in many parts of Europe. This species was collected from outside of gardens in two close localities in Giresun (Turkey). So, we reported it as a new alien vascular plant Inn' the Flora of Turkey. As well, the description together with Turkish name and photographs of the taxon are presented in the present study.