Turkey’s New Foreign Policy Concept: The Challenges, Advantages Disadvantages Tested by Mavi Marmara Take-Over Raid

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Codrul Cosminului, vol.24, no.2, pp.409-430, 2018 (Scopus) identifier

  • Publication Type: Article / Article
  • Volume: 24 Issue: 2
  • Publication Date: 2018
  • Journal Name: Codrul Cosminului
  • Journal Indexes: Scopus
  • Page Numbers: pp.409-430
  • Karadeniz Technical University Affiliated: Yes


Until Israel’s foundation Turkey did not pay much attention to Palestine in
the same way that its predecessor, the Ottoman Empire, had done. Nonetheless within a few
decades of Israel’s foundation in 1948, the Jewish state became a source of contention for
Turkish-Arab relations. Turkey was one of the countries that recognized Israel soon after its
proclamation of independence. During UN efforts and reports to find a way out for Arab-
Israeli conflict before 1948 Turkey had supported Arab arguments opposing any kind of
disintegration in Palestine lands. Turkey’s foreign policy towards Israeli-Arab conflict had a
neutral-active perspective which could ease the process of confidence building measures and
solution of matters. For a long time, Turkey was a peace facilitator having good relations
with both sides. The sharp turn came at the beginning of 2000’s. Thus arguments on Turkey’s
intend to be “new leader of Sunni Islam” in the Middle East, particularly since 2008 escalated
especially after the Israeli takeover raid. The aim of this study is to unearth and analyse the
so-called new foreign policy concept and the role of Israeli takeover raid in 2010 Gaza flotilla.
Turkey’s shifting foreign policy concept, arguments on its post-Ottoman tendencies, leadership
preferences and possible effects on its fluctuating popularity in the Arab communities
considering possible challenges, advantages and disadvantages are also analysed.