Codrul Cosminului, vol.21, no.2, pp.299-312, 2015 (Scopus)
The relations between Romania the only Latin nation in Balkan Peninsula in broader sense and Turks has long history is traced back to the Ottoman period. These relations relatively ceased during Cold War, after the collapse of Soviet Union (SU) a new era started for Turkish-Romanian relations to be blossomed. During WWI, Tsarist Russia forced Romania to be an ally in order to besiege Germany from the south and to threaten Austria. It aimed be able to grasp Central Power attacks in Balkans to keep war in an area far behind the front lines and also distant from Russian heartland. Following Tsarist pan-Slavist policy Bolshevist Russia signalized Balkan lands vital for its depth security or defense in depth. Stalin had included those lands into iron curtain area at first opportunity emerged after WWII. After a long lasting period under iron curtain of Bolshevik dominance, in 1990’s Romania together with other iron curtain countries achieved its freedom, but post-Cold War Russia’s historical attitude over Balkans had not changed. Furthermore Socialist Romania’s Cold War experience was continued until the collapse of Berlin wall in 1989.