MARITIME POLICY & MANAGEMENT, vol.44, no.7, pp.815-824, 2017 (SSCI)
The Central Bank of the Turkish Republic (TCMB) in Turkey has announced the data of freight revenues. The data that have been announced depends on the information obtained from the port customs and compiled by the Turkish Statistical Institute (TUIK). Because of the distinctive structure of the freight market, certain requisite generalizations and projections are used for data calculation. Accordingly, calculations that depend on generalizations and predictions are likely to weaken the effectiveness of the decisions already made or going to be made. The aim of this study is to calculate more realistically the real freight revenues of ships that have carried out loading or discharging operations in Turkish ports. In accordance with this purpose, the volume of freight revenues and their distribution between Turkish and foreign flagged ships is calculated. A Microsoft SQL-based algorithm is developed in order to do the calculation. Within the scope of the study, the total fright revenue of Turkey-oriented shipping industry is calculated to be USD 5.8 billion. Proportionately, 79.53% of the revenue belongs to foreign flagged ships, 12.70% of it belongs to foreign flagged ships with Turkish owners, and only 7.78% of it belongs to Turkish flagged ships.