JOURNAL OF SPORT AND HEALTH, vol.6, no.2, pp.9-15, 2015 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)
The sea has been the most important transportation and trade route for centuries. Even today, 90% of trade goods are transported by sea. Unfortunately, work-related accidents that result in injury or death are common aboard
ships. Many of these accidents stem from imbalance and impaired reflexes. According to reports, each year two pilots die and many other seafarers suffer injury during transfer accidents. Balance and fitness are important for seafarers.
Although recently built ships have sports facilities, officers typically do not engage in sports during their maritime educations and do not use these facilities. For this study, researchers prepared a questionnaire on sports habits aboard
ships and administered it to 251 officers and cadets. As a result, the study concluded that ship officers should exercise to improve their balance and fitness. The study also showed that sports will help to reduce officers’ stress and allow them to
work more efficiently. The study found that the highest accident rates involved seafarers between the ages of twenty-three and thirty-two years. During this period, most mariners have self-confidence about their jobs but make mistakes and
cause accidents due to their lack of experience.