19th ASPA conference & 31st KSPA annual meeting, Seoul, South Korea, 16 - 18 June 2023, pp.1
It is possible with effective premedication make comfortable for both the children and their family and doctors in the elimination of pre-operative anxiety and the opening of vascular access in children who will un- dergo surgery. In this context, it is aimed to develop the most suitable pharmaceutical form that can be used orally, high stability, taste tolerable, and non-cytotoxic, which can be easily accepted by the child, for routinely used drugs to calm children before surgery. Water-soluble poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA, MW: 30,000-70,000) was used as the polymer for green electro- spinning. The film-forming property of PVA was evaluation by studying two different polymer concentrations. Briefly, PVA was dissolved in water at 90oC under magnetic stirring, and the solution was cooled to room tempera- ture. Plasticizer, sweetener, color agent or aromatizer, saliva simulator, preservative and ethanol as an active phar- maceutical ingredient (API) solvent were added into the solution. Table was shown the formulation contents. Flow rate, voltage and the distance of the nozzle tip to the collector were changed as device parameters, and the optimum values were determined as 4 mL/h, 24 kV and 150mm, respectively.