Thyroidectomy using superficial cervical block: a report of 147 cases over 8 years

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Usta M. A., Alhan E., Cinel A., Tayar S., Duman E. N.

EUROPEAN SURGERY-ACTA CHIRURGICA AUSTRIACA, vol.51, no.6, pp.303-307, 2019 (SCI-Expanded) identifier identifier


Background The aim of this study was to evaluate the safety and efficiency of thyroid surgery by the experienced surgeon under superficial cervical block anesthesia (SCB). Materials and Methods A total of one hundred fourty seven consecutive patients, who underwent a total thyroidectomy under SCB anesthesia for thyroid disorder, between January 2010 and January 2018, were reviewed in this study. Total throidectomy was performed in all patients under SCB by the two experienced surgeon Results 75% of patients were female and the remainder 25% male. Mean age 60 +/- 14 (+/- standart deviation) years. Conversion rate to general anesthesia was 4%. The mean operation time lasted 74 +/- 24 minutes. Sensorial block 98 +/- 24 started in 24 seconds and continued for 202 +/- 18 minutes. During the operation, the patients were asleep and were awake in the postoperative period. SCB reduced analgesic need The most common introperative side effect of SCB was snore in 24.4% of the patients. Patient and surgeon satisfaction was good for SCB. Postoperative complications are bleeding in 2 % of the patients, permanent recurrent nerve injury in 0.6% of the patients and permanent hipoparathyroidi in 2% of the patients.. Hospital stay was 1 +/- 0.2 day. Conclusion Total thyroidectomy performed by experienced surgeons in the selected group patients under SCB anesthesia is safe and effective.