The Impact of International Netvvorks on Grants, R&D, Knovvledge and Technology Transfer - Case of COST Netvvork and KTU

Sönmez K., Kalyoncu S., Yıldız İ., Ayvaz E., Sağlam G., Ünver M. S., ...More

17. Mednarodna konferenca o prenosu tehnologij 17th International Technology Transfer Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 7 - 11 November 2024, no.214450179, pp.14-18

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Full Text
  • City: Ljubljana
  • Country: Slovenia
  • Page Numbers: pp.14-18
  • Karadeniz Technical University Affiliated: Yes


It is essential that researchers collaborate with international

colleagues and adhere to international standards to facilitate the

transfer of technology resulting from their research. In order to

participate in these projects, it is essential for researchers to have

a broad international network and reliable collaborators to form

international consortia. This study examines the strategy adopted

by Karadeniz Technical University (KTU) in its pursuit of the

COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology)

Programme and the subsequent results that enabled its

researchers to engage in prestigious international consortia and

access international funding sources. To increase the number of

Karadeniz Technical University (KTU) members in the

Management Committee (MC) and Working Group (WG) of

COST Actions, which have limited slots, each Action was

carefully reviewed, and individual meetings were held with

researchers. Technical and administrative support was provided

to facilitate researchers' participation in the Actions. A statistical

analysis was conducted for researchers who participated in

COST Actions over the past five years. The status of countries

involved in the COST program from 2019 to 2023 was examined.

Additionally, Türkiye’s performance during this period was

analyzed to assess the effectiveness of the developed strategy. As

a result of these analyses, in COST Actions in which a limited

number of KTU researchers were involved at the beginning of

2019, 252 researchers were involved in 528 actions by the end of

2023, becoming the first university in Türkiye in this context.

Thanks to the researchers and activation included in the COST

Programme, a 92.3% increase in the number of international

project applications and a 366% increase in the number of project

acceptances were observed between 2019 and 2023. The

findings indicated that these exemplary practices could serve as

an effective approach for the internationalisation of higher

education institutions