INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE, vol.114, no.5, pp.683-699, 2004 (SCI-Expanded)
The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of chronic restraint stress (RS) on spatial learning and memory. Fifty healthy male Wistar rats, aged three months were used. They were equally divided into five groups-C: Control, W: Water Maze, CS-1: Restrained for 21 days (1 h/day) + water maze protocol following stress period, CS-2: Restrained for 28 days (1 h/day) + water maze protocol during last 7 days of stress period, CS-3: Restrained for 21 days and allowed to recovery for 7 days (1 h/day). Corticosterone levels were higher in all stress groups than in C and W groups. Nitrite levels of frontal cortex and hippocampus were found to be elevated in chronic stress groups with respect to C and W groups. Thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) of both tissues were increased significantly in CS1 and CS2 groups compared with C, W and CS3 groups. Escape latencies of CS1 and CS2 groups were longer than those of the W group on each day of acquisition. In transfer test, CS1 and CS2 groups stayed significantly shorter in target quadrant according to the W group. Significant correlations between corticosterone and either nitrite or TBARS of hippocampus and frontal cortex were found. Both acquisition and memory performances were negatively correlated with plasma corticosterone level, nitrite, and TBARS levels of hippocampus and frontal cortex. The results of this study suggest that stress-induced lipid peroxidation may affect the acquisition and memory performances.