Chondroblastoma in the anterior cruciate ligament origo: A case report

AYDIN H., TURHAN A. U., Karatas M., Onay A., YILDIZ K.

EKLEM HASTALIKLARI VE CERRAHISI-JOINT DISEASES AND RELATED SURGERY, vol.23, no.2, pp.113-116, 2012 (SCI-Expanded) identifier identifier identifier


Chondroblastoma is a rarely seen cartilage originated tumor. It is mostly localized in the epiphysis of long bones. In this article, we present an 18-year-old male case in whom the tumor was located in the right distal femoral lateral condyle and destroyed anterior cruciate ligament origo. The tumor was curetted and the cavity was filled with cement. Anterior cruciate ligament resection was mandatory for this treatment. The patient had no complaint in the postoperative period.