Reflection on the current status and future challenges of forest management planning system in Turkey

Baskent E. Z.

Seminar on Scientific Tools and Research Needs for Multifunctional Mediterranean Forest Ecosystem Management, Solsona, Spain, 27 November 2006, pp.35-43 identifier

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Full Text
  • Volume:
  • City: Solsona
  • Country: Spain
  • Page Numbers: pp.35-43
  • Karadeniz Technical University Affiliated: Yes


Turkey has just started to embrace ecosystem based multiple use forest management philosophy focusing on biodiversity and participation. As such, sustainable management of forest ecosystems creates a great challenge to forestry sector in Turkey due mainly to various ecosystems, harsh,environment, heterogeneous socio-cultural set up and unstable economy. This paper, therefore, presents the current forest management philosophy, regulations, sociocultural and organizational structure, and implementation of management activities across the country. The forest management system was restructured to accommodate new developments such as biodiversity conservation, participation of stakeholders, multiple forest values, GIS based spatial database and modeling with operations research techniques with new forest management guidelines and ecosystem based planning philosophy. The paper concludes that the current management system, which is about to change, is of neo-classic European style with sole wood production in focus and calls for urgent change in planning concept towards ecosystem based multiple use forest planning.