In the current fast-paced market, it is essential for individuals to make well-informed choices when purchasing products. There is a growing consumer preference for products derived from renewable resources, particularly non-wood forest products (NWFPs). The process of making purchasing decisions for NWFPs is complex and influenced by various criteria. As the demand for NWFPs continues to rise, it becomes imperative to establish a comprehensive decision-making framework that examines the most significant criteria affecting consumers' purchasing decisions. This study proposes an interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (AHP)-based decision-making framework for identifying and analyzing the key criteria influencing consumers' decisions when purchasing NWFPs. In light of the aim, six main criteria and thirty subcriteria are determined. A three-level hierarchical model is devised to systematically evaluate the identified criteria. The interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy AHP method is employed to assign weights to the criteria. According to the results, "health aspects" is the most significant main criterion. The five most important subcriteria are determined as "health benefits and harmlessness", "absence of additives and preservatives", "product price", "quality standard and guarantee", and "nutritional content and value". The findings of this study hold significance for consumers, businesses, and policymakers, as they provide valuable insights to facilitate informed decision-making.