Population Size, Structure and Behaviours of Wild Goat in Cehennemdere Wildlife Improvement Area


ASIAN JOURNAL OF ANIMAL AND VETERINARY ADVANCES, vol.6, no.6, pp.555-563, 2011 (SCI-Expanded) identifier identifier


In this study, observations and inventories were conducted in distribution areas of wild goats in Mersin-Cehennemdere Wildlife Improvement Area. In this study, considering the population size of the species, Point Count Method was used for species inventory. The observations were made for two times, in summer and winter, in a year between the years of 2007-2008. The structural characteristics and behaviors of the population such as population size, gender ratio, age distribution of males and number of kids were tried to be determined in these inventory and observations. It was found that population size was the highest in 2007 summer count, in which a total of 728 individuals were determined. Population density in the area was found to be 2.5 animals/100 ha. Average male/female ratio was found to be 1.04. A total of 66% of the males were observed younger than 4 years old; 34% were observed older than 4 years old. Of the females, 58% were determined to give birth to 2 kids and 42% were observed to give birth to 1 kid. Red pine, cedar-black pine-red pine, cedar-black pine-juniper stands were determined in the field. Also, more than 100% slope was measured in the majority of the area.