Çukurova II. Uluslararası Multidisiplliner Çalışmalar Kongresi, Adana, Turkey, 26 - 28 April 2019, vol.1, pp.262-266
Photon induced reactions have great importance in the field of nuclear structure studies. In these reactions, the target materials are bombarded by high-energy photons. The photons might be absorbed by a nucleus in the target. The excited nucleus decays by emitting particles (proton, neutron, alpha or light particles, etc.) or photons. Due to the fact that the nature of the photon, the interaction of it with the target material is purely electromagnetic. Therefore, this type of reactions have non-destructive structure. After absorbing the photon by the nucleus, target material can be its excited states. By this way, one can easily investigate low-lying excited states of the nuclei via radiation measurement systems. In the case of transmutation to another isotopes by emitting particles from the target nucleus, an another stable or unstable isotope may be formed. The product unstable isotope decay by beta process after formation. Thus, the half-life of the radioisotopes can also be determined in photon induced reactions. In this work, (γ,γ) reaction cross sections on titanium isotopes have been estimated by using artificial neural network method in the 1-200 MeV energy range. The data for the application of the method have been taken from TENDL-2017 nuclear data library which is the output of the TALYS nuclear model code. Artificial neural network method is a mathematical model that mimics the human brain functionality. It has been used recently in the field of nuclear physics and its applciations. According to the results, the neural network estimation is highly consistent with the available literature data.