BILIG, no.47, pp.177-192, 2008 (SSCI)
Feminine discourse is an approach questioning the status of woman and her position in society as represented in literary works. This approach asks questions concerning the place of women in society, their undeserved status and commodification. This study evaluates the work of Fatma Makbule Leman, one of the writers of Hanimlara Mahsus Gazete (The Paper for Ladies) by looking into how she has questioned the secondary position of women constrained within social norms. In her only work titled Ma'kes-i Hayal (The Reflection Place of the Dream) she approaches the emancipation of women stuck in between revolt and obedience from a Turkish-Islamic perspective and takes significant steps concerning woman's identity by internalizing both her identities as woman and writer. This feminine stance is a reflection of the desperate and male-dependant woman's revolt against traditional norms.