5. ULUSLARARASI MÜHENDİSLİK VE BİLİM ALANINDA YENİLİKÇİ TEKNOLOJİLER SEMPOZYUMU (ISITES2017), Baku, Azerbaijan, 29 September - 01 October 2017, vol.1, pp.1564-1572
It is possible to determine and evaluate the total energy usage of buildings for each independent unit in the central heating system. The total energy spent for heating and hot water supply is different for each independent unit. However, a single bill is generated for the heating device and water consumption and so it is divided equally used per individual unit in the absence of substations. It is known that these stations work primarily in use water. Utilizing solar energy to provide utility hot water is quite advantageous as another application. The adaptation of solar energy systems to these substations will be an advantage for both systems. With this system connected to the station pipelines, the heat exchanger temperature will be kept high. Thus, the additional energy costs will be eliminated or will decrease, depending on the requested water temperature for the usage hot water. In addition, the warmup time will be reduced and thermal comfort will be ensured.