Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, vol.2015, pp.31-37, 2015 (Scopus)
The concept of ideology has different definitions that change due to time and space. These definitions alter according to different disciplines or perspectives. In short, beside its philosophical definition, the concept of ideology has physiologic, semiotic, linguistic, politic and epistemological definitions. At this point it is important to distinguish ideology from ideologies. Ideology refers to certain type form of thinking or a conscious form while ideologies refer to specific type of ideas/values, which belong to various social groups that are gathered together to express themselves. In order to clarify the distinction, it is important to understand first definition as ideology and second definition as politic ideologies. In this context this study examines architectural design process through ideological movements that can be defined as political ideologies. When the debates on the effect of ideology on architectural space, the discussions have two different axes: first one is using political power as an ideological medium, which is called ideological architecture. Second one is producing an expression of form through the designer his/herself ideology, which is called ideology of architecture. This study carries on the debates on the ideology and architecture into different level and overlaps the two different axes into single one. In other words, it demonstrates that ideological architecture and ideology of architecture can be produced simultaneously. Regarding that, the study was conducted in Architectural Design Studio-5 at KTU in 2014-2015-fall semester. The concept of the museum was given to the student in a specific space. The political ideology was chosen through anarchism, feminism, communism, capitalism, liberalism, fascism, corporatism, anarchism, terrorism, imperialisms, kemalism. The main purpose of the project is to observe the architectural design process of the student through a political ideology for the given defined space.