Domestic water tank usage of people in a rural area: A study in Trabzon

Kolayli C. C., TOPBAŞ M., Yeşilbaş-Üçüncü Ş., ÇAN G., BEYHUN N. E., Çankaya S., ...More

Turk Hijyen ve Deneysel Biyoloji Dergisi, vol.77, no.2, pp.195-206, 2020 (Scopus) identifier


© 2020 Refik Saydam National Public Health Agency (RSNPHA).Objective: Individuals living in rural areas can build water tanks to meet their water needs. Sometimes he/ she uses these tanks for himself/herself and sometimes with several families. The study aimed to define the conditions of use and quality of domestic water tanks that are used individually or jointly by people living in rural areas in Trabzon. Methods: The study type is descriptive and data were collected in 10 provinces of Trabzon between April 16-June 4, 2015. First of all, the aim of study was explained to the individuals who applied to the Family Health Centers/Community Health Centers in the selected provinces on these dates. Second, research data were collected with face-to-face questionnaire application method with people who uses domestic water tank which is not connected to the city network. A total of 282 domestic water tank users have been reached. Results: According to the participants, 95.7% of the water coming to the water tanks was spring water. 96.8% of water tank users use their tanks every day. 82.6% of tanks are on the soil / in the garden, 84.8% of them were plastered concrete tanks, 87.9% of them were covered and 62.1% of them had air shaft. Water in 18.1% of the tanks were always chlorinated. Regarding the analysis of the suitability of water for drinking and use; 41.1% were analyzed anytime before data collection, and 24.1% of the analyzed ones had abnormal results. 46.4% of the users continued to use the water tank even though there was detected abnormality in the analysis. Regarding the cleaning of the water tanks; 4.3% of the tanks had never been cleaned and 76.7% of the cleaned tanks were mechanically cleaned. 77.3% of the participants stated that infectious diseases, 66.3% outbreaks and 34.0% chronic diseases would occur when water tanks were not cleaned. 14.9% of the participants think that there is no harm in not cleaning the water tanks. Conclusion: In the study, it was found that domestic water tanks that were used individually or jointly by people living in rural areas were uncontrolled and unrestrained.