The Halit Pasha Incident and its Reflections

Üçüncü U.

History Studies, vol.4, no.1, pp.547-571, 2012 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)

  • Publication Type: Article / Article
  • Volume: 4 Issue: 1
  • Publication Date: 2012
  • Doi Number: 10.97377/hist-430
  • Journal Name: History Studies
  • Journal Indexes: TR DİZİN (ULAKBİM)
  • Page Numbers: pp.547-571
  • Karadeniz Technical University Affiliated: No


Halit Pasha, who was originally from Kastamonu, was born in Istanbul. He is one of the leading figures
in Turkish history. He was a heroic figure during his military life. He played an influential role in the Tripoli War,
the Balkan Wars, the First World War, Inonu Wars, Sakarya War, and the Great Offensive as well as the Armenian
conflict. He was known as "Deli Halit" throughout the country because of his encourage in the wars

He had taken the decision to enter politics after his military life and was elected as Deputy of Ardahan at
The Second Period of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey (TBMM). Halit Pasha, who was a successful soldier,
failed to achieve compliance with the political environment at the TBMM. He was strongly opposed different ideas.
This also has increased his irritability. He had fought with Deputy of Afyon, Ali Bey on February 9, 1925. Halit
Pasha was wounded and then died on February 14, 1925. The causes and course of the incident have not been fully
elucidated so far. There are very mysterious points about the incident. In this study, information will be given about
the causes, course and reflections of the incident

Aslen Kastamonulu olan Halit Paşa, İstanbul‟da doğmuştur. Türk tarihinin önde gelen simalarından
biridir. Askerlik hayatı süresince büyük kahramanlıklar yapmıştır. Trablusgarp, Balkan, Birinci Dünya, İnönü,
Sakarya, Büyük Taarruz savaşlarının yanı sıra Ermeni Harekâtı‟nda etkin rol oynamıştır. Savaşlardaki cesareti
nedeniyle “Deli Halit” namıyla bütün memlekette tanınmıştır.

Askerlik hayatından sonra siyasete girme kararı almış ve İkinci Dönem Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi‟ne
Ardahan Mebusu olarak seçilmiştir. Askerî hayata alışmış olan Halit Paşa, TBMM‟de politik ortama uyum
sağlayamamıştır. Farklı fikirlere şiddetle karşı çıkmıştır. Bu da onun asabiyetini artırmıştır. 9 Şubat 1925‟te
Afyonkarahisar Mebusu Ali Bey‟le kavga etmiştir. Halit Paşa, yaralanmış, ardından 14 Şubat 1925 tarihinde vefat
etmiştir. Olayın sebepleri ve seyri şimdiye kadar tam olarak aydınlatılamamıştır. Olayla ilgili birçok gizemli
noktalar vardır. Bu çalışmada olayın sebepleri, seyri ve yankıları hakkında bilgiler verilecektir