Dermoid Cyst in the Buccal Mucosa: A Case Report

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Ofluoğlu G. E., Yılmaz O., Üngör C.

13th International ACBID congress, Antalya, Turkey, 24 - 28 April 2019

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Summary Text
  • City: Antalya
  • Country: Turkey
  • Karadeniz Technical University Affiliated: Yes


Dermoid cysts in oral cavity are unusual lesions. Their etiology is not yet clear and can be associated with trapped cells as a result of the inclusion error resulting in the development into the ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm tissues. Epidermoid and dermoid cysts are benign nature,which may occur anywhere in the body, but most predominantly in the ovary and scrotal regions. Only about 7% are found in the head and neck. The occurrence of such cysts in the oral cavity is extremely rare, with approximately 1.6% located in this area. Dermoid cysts in the mouth are uncommon and account for less than 0.01% of all oral cysts. It is most commonly seen in the head and neck region at the point of embryonic fusion in the lateral eyebrow region, and secondly occurs at the floor of the mouth. Due to their slow and progressive course, they are usually encountered in the 2nd and 3rd
decades. Depending on the size of the mass, dermoid cysts may cause speech, respiratory and swallowing problems.
This case report describes the excision of the dermoid cyst in the buccal mucosa.