ANNALS OF CLINICAL AND ANALYTICAL MEDICINE, vol.14, no.10, pp.935-938, 2023 (ESCI)
Aim: In this study, we aimed to investigate the usability of biochemical parameters in differentiating pheochromocytoma and nonfunctional adrenocortical adenomas.Material and Methods: This study was conducted retrospectively by comparing 49 patients who underwent adrenalectomy and were pathologically diagnosed with 'pheochromocytoma' with 60 age-and sex-matched controls with nonfunctional adrenocortical adenomas between January 2000 and June 2022. Hematological markers such as neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio (NLR), platelet/lymphocyte ratio (PLR), RDW, and MPV were compared between groups. HALP score was calculated with the formula including hemoglobin (g/dl), albumin (g/L), lymphocyte (x10(3) /mu l) and thrombocyte (x103 /mu l) values [HALP score: Hemoglobin(g/dl)X albumin (g/L) )X lymphocyte (x10(3) /mu l)/ platelet (x10(3) /mu l)]. HALP scores were compared between groups. At the same time, the effectuality of the HALP score in the differential diagnosis of pheochromocytoma was evaluated.Results: While NLR and PLR values were statistically higher in pheochromocytoma patients compared to nonfunctional adenoma patients (p=0.009; p<0.001, respectively), HALP values were significantly low (p<0.001). There was no statistically significant difference in RDW and MPV values (p=0.072; p=0.509). When the diagnostic decision-making in predicting pheochromocytoma disease was examined by ROC curve analysis, it was found that the AUC values of the initial HALP, albumin, hemoglobin, and lymphocyte parameters were statistically significant.Discussion: It was observed that biochemical parameters such as NLR, PLR, and HALP scores differed significantly in differentiating pheochromocytomas from nonfunctional ACAs. This difference was thought to be due to a severe inflammatory response in pheochromocytoma.