25th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU), Antalya, Turkey, 15 - 18 May 2017
Analysis of coronary angiography is very important for the diagnosis and treatment of heart diseases. The quality of the image is very low due to lack of usage of the X-ray and injected material, which are harmful to human health.For accurate segmentation and analysis the images need to be enhancement. In this study, a Gabor and 2d comparison filter was used to enhance the images and to highlight the vessel structures. It calculates the responses of different size and directional filters in both filters used. The improved images were segmented by P-Tile and Otsu thresholding methods and their performance was compared. The segmentation was performed on 5 different angiograms. The Gabor filter and the P-Tile thresholding method were found to be more successful with accuracy rate of mean all experiment %90,86 and maxium 92.4%.