Selcuk Dental Journal, vol.9, pp.648-651, 2022 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)
Evaluation of Cariogenic and Erosive Potential of Prescribed
Pediatric Medicaments in Northeast of Turkey: An In Vitro
Background: To purpose of the present study is to evaluate in vitro
the cariogenic and erosive potential of the medicaments prescribed
for pediatric use in the Northeastern Region of Turkey.
Methods: In the present study, 30 different medicaments of 14
different drug groups were selected among the medicaments
prescribed by pediatricians. The pH, Total Titration Acidity (TTA),
Total Soluble Solid Content (TSSC), Total Sugar Content (TSC) of
the medicaments were measured. The data obtained in this way
were analyzed by using the SPSS Statistics Software. The Pearson
Chi-Square Test was used in all groups when comparing the pH,
TTA and TSSC values.
Results: It was determined that the median pH values of the
medicaments that were tested ranged between 3.11 and 7.62; and
53.3 % of the medicaments had pH levels below the critical median
value (5.5). It was found that the TTA values were low in all groups
according to the median value. The highest TTA value was
measured 23.8770 and the second was 22.9540.The lowest TSSC
was found to be 1.3320, and the highest TSSC was 1.4450. Sugar
content was detected in 33 % of the medicaments that were used in
total sugar content analysis.
Conclusion: The medicaments that were analyzed showed physical
chemical properties showing cariogenic and erosive potentials in
dental tissues. In this respect, healthcare professionals, drug
manufacturers, and parents must be informed about the risks
caused by the consumption of potentially harmful medicaments in
dental tissues