Parametric Modelling of the Turkish Triangle and A Method on Robotic Production

Çağlar B., Bor H. O., Vural S.

MSTAS 2021 / Mimarlıkta Sayısal Tasarım XV. Ulusal Sempozyumu, İstanbul, Turkey, 28 - 29 June 2021, pp.160-169

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Full Text
  • City: İstanbul
  • Country: Turkey
  • Page Numbers: pp.160-169
  • Karadeniz Technical University Affiliated: Yes


The study's aim is to create a model proposal for how the Turkish triangle, a traditional transition between the square planned space and the dome, might be built and constructed today using digital technologies. The Turkish triangle, one of the original solutions developed for the construction of the dome, occupies an important place, particularly in symbolic buildings in Anatolia during the Seljuk and Ottoman Empire Periods. It is regarded as an important value due to its rational, functional, robust, and aesthetic qualities. Reconsidering the Turkish triangle using today's digital technology, quantitatively defining its formal aspects, and producing it with a digital fabrication method are all important for today's understanding and interpretation of this fundamental structural element.

Thus, by producing the Turkish triangle using today's digital design and fabrication processes, it is aimed to disclose the geometric rules, to investigate the transition relationship between the dome and the square space, give a base for restoration work, serve as a reference for new projects to be developed, and introduce the subject as an architectural and cultural asset.

The method used in this study develops a parametric model of the Turkish triangle in a digital environment and then mill a scaled section of this parametric model using a robotic fabrication method.

The Turkish triangle, created as a solution to the challenge of placing a circular dome over a square planned space, has a rational geometric logic. This allows the system to be digitally evaluated and parametrically modeled. As a result of the generated parametric model, the Turkish triangle could be swiftly reconstructed based on various parameters such as structural span, girdle height, and depth of secondary triangles. One of the study's original statements is the flexibility of buildings with similar structural features using parametric models.

Within the scope of the study, Bursa Hacılar Mosque was analyzed and the Turkish triangle element was analyzed geometrically, parametrically fabricated in digital environment and 1/10 scale corner section was produced with a robot arm using EPS material.

Utilizing new technology in architecture allows designs that would take a long time to model using traditional methods to be modeled fast, as well as solving complex geometries and producing them with high physical precision.

Keywords: Parametric modelling, robotic fabrication, turkish triangle, drum, dome.