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Uzun Ö., Yeginoglu G., Ertemoğlu Öksüz C., Kalkışım Ş. N., Zihni N. B.
Introduction: Stature is a significant biological profile for evaluating growth and development of an individual. It also provides important evidence in the forensic investigation process to the establishment of personal identification. Stature shows considerable variation between individuals. In situations where stature cannot be measured, different substitute parameters can be used to determine the stature. Arm span measurement has been demonstrated to be the best predictor of stature.
Aim: To evaluate stature in Turkish adults for both sexes as well as to evaluate its correlation with arm span, as an alternative to estimating stature.
Materials and Methods: A total of 324 students were selected from the Karadeniz Technical University, Turkey by stratified randomisation method. The research group comprised of 274 individuals (137 males and 137 females) aged between 20- 27 years. The reliability of the equations was evaluated in the control group (25 males and 25 females) of same age range. The stature and arm span was measured by anthropometric technique. Stature estimation models were developed by using linear regression analysis and the interrelationship between stature and arm span was performed using pearson's correlation coefficient.
Results: Arm span positively correlated with stature in male and female groups (r=0.785, r=0.807 respectively). Males were found to be taller in stature and larger arm span measurements compared to the females and this result was statistically significant (p<0.05). The equations derived from arm span and stature for males and females are: Stature=420.527+0.755xArm Span; Stature=432.536+0.736x Arm Span, respectively. The coefficient of correlation for the regression equations obtained were 71.6% for males (F=216.791; df=1; p<0.001) and 75.1% for females (F=251.824; df=1; p<0.001). The reliability of estimated and measured stature values for control and research groups were regarded as good for both sexes (r>0.9, p<0.001).
Conclusion: Stature and arm span have a high correlation and arm span can be used as a reliable parameter for forecasting the stature in Turkish adults. These equations can be used to estimate stature where the stature cannot be measured directly.