This study was conducted to define some morphological characteristics of a local type of Turkish Kangal (Karabas) Shepherd Dogs raised in Denizli province by comparing them with certain other breeds from other regions of Turkey, USA and UK. To this end, a total of 48 (39 males and 9 females) dogs were analyzed with the Minitab 16 statistical software program using ANOVA and Student's T-Test. Descriptive statistics were for withers height 78.7 +/- 0.59, height at rump78.4 +/- 0.60, body length87.6 +/- 1.14, heart girth circumferences 91.2 +/- 0.86, chest depth36.4 +/- 0.63, cannon circumferences 15.3 +/- 0.20and tail length 51.0 +/- 0.51 cm, respectively. The overall results of the study demonstrated that Turkish Kangal (Karabas) Shepherd Dogs raised in Denizli province had a very close resemblance to dogs raised in the UK and USA, but that they were larger than the dogs raised in other regions of Turkey. It could be because of better life conditions or higher genotypic capacity.