JOURNAL OF THE INDIAN SOCIETY OF REMOTE SENSING, vol.43, no.1, pp.189-197, 2015 (SCI-Expanded)
The forest conservation organizations in Turkey have recommended changing the classical forest management systems to protect forest biodiversity since 2006. This study discusses the spatio-temporal analysis of forest management activities and land use changes in Yalova Forest Ecosystems, Turkey. We focused on the Yalova City because (a) it is located in a highly urbanized area, northwestern Turkey, (b) forest is a governmental ownership and producing of many non-wood forest product and wildlife species, (c) governmental organizations are encouraged to be decreased clear-cuts to protect forest ecosystems; (d) GIS databases are available in Yalova; (e) Yalova Forestry Administration has a membership of the Mediterranean Model Forest Network in 2011, and (f) many new forest policies will be developed in Turkey after the membership of the model forest . This study used forest management plans of Yalova Forest during 1971-2008 periods and analyzed data in geographic information system (GIS). Results showed that the rate of forest area in the Yalova steadily increased from 53.4 % in 1971 to 61.2 % to 62.5 % between 1994 and 2008 respectively.