A Critical Approach to Architectural Practice in Turkiye


Archtheo'16, İstanbul, Turkey, 27 - 29 October 2016, pp.82-92

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Full Text
  • City: İstanbul
  • Country: Turkey
  • Page Numbers: pp.82-92
  • Karadeniz Technical University Affiliated: Yes


The discourses on the architecture and architectural practice in Turkiye start with the Westernisation Movements on Ottoman (Late Ottoman Era) and continue with Republican Period in Turkiye. The relevant period presents important clues to pursuing the appearing of the architect as an actor, practicing architecture in modern ways and the perspective of architecture in Turkiye.

The architectural practice in Turkiye has connected with many factors such as political, sociological and economic. Thus, substantial points that mentioned as political, sociological and economic have given a place in the study and they have evaluated with the critical perspective. Especially, which ways the political changes follow and how these circumstances affect on architecture and architectural practice have explained and discussed.

On the scope of the study, the position of architecture, the role of the architect and the architectural practice in Turkiye have examined from Late Ottoman Empire to now. In the study, provides a chronological model of architectural practice, the way of architecture and architectural practice has revealed within the context of nearly a hundred years period. The period that mentioned not only has studied by classifying ten years periods of time but also has examined on the specific samples from Late Ottoman Empire to nowadays. Totally, ten sample buildings have compared by scrutinizing the evolvement of Turkish architectural practice within the remarkable examples that made once every ten years. In such a circumstance, the points, have referred in the text, has a significant role in observing the past and the future of Turkish architectural practice by the critical way of evaluating.