METU JOURNAL OF THE FACULTY OF ARCHITECTURE, vol.26, no.1, pp.101-121, 2009 (AHCI)
The Velipasa Han, located in the dense commercial centre of the city of Corum, can be considered the most important architectural monument of the city. The building, which was revealed to be built in the end of the 19th century, hosted many famous characters among whom are the journalists Refii Cevat Ulunay and Huseyin Cahit Yalcm, the author Refik Halit Karay and the Princess Kadriye Huseyin. The importance of the building comes from the planning and the facade characteristics which reflect the local inflences in contrast to the known types for the hans and hotels. Particularly with the similarities between the hotel part of the building, called "the Anadolu Otel", and the traditional Corum houses acquired a unique place for the building among other classical types.