Objective: The aim of this study is to determine the prevalence of depression and cognitive impairment, in addition to investigate the relation between these disorders and sociodemographic variables in 55 years of age and older population of Trabzon city. Methods: There has been interviewed with the aged of 55 and over 3093 people who represented Trabzon province. In the study, sociodemographic data form, the Standardized Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) form, Geriatric Depression Scale forms were administered. Results: The prevalence of the depression was found to be 13.6% and the prevalence of the cognitive impairment was detected as 17.1% in the 55 years and over aged group in the province of Trabzon. The presence of depression was detected significantly in females and in those with cognitive impairment. The rate of occurring depression has increased significantly with age. Female gender, ageing, to be widowed, low educational level, hypertension, smoking, a history of head trauma, myocardial infarction, cerebrovascular accident (CVA), Parkinson's disease, a history of rheumatic disease, left-handedness were determined as the possible risks for depression. Increased MMSE score, male gender, longer educational period, smoking was found out as reduce the risk of depression. The risk factors for cognitive impairment include; female gender, ageing, being single, being uneducated, head injury, CVA, Parkinson's disease, a history of rheumatic disease and depression. Male gender, increased educational level, being married, alcohol and tobacco use was found to decrease the risk for cognitive impairment. The number of individuals with cognitive impairment and the level of cognitive impairment increase with age. Conclusion: Depression and cognitive impairment are common in in 55 years of age and older population, and increase with age progression and seem to be related to each other. Women are under greater risk for both disorders. Improving education and physical health protection may be protective for both disorders. (Anatolian Journal of Psychiatry 2011; 12:258-265)