Nuclear Spectroscopy Education by using Simple Photonuclear Reaction Equipment


4th International Scientific Research Congress, Uppsala, Sweden, 25 - 26 April 2019, pp.52-56

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Full Text
  • City: Uppsala
  • Country: Sweden
  • Page Numbers: pp.52-56
  • Karadeniz Technical University Affiliated: No


Nuclear spectroscopy is an important tool for deeper understanding of nuclear
structure as well as for life sciences. In particular huge experimental designs and
more complicated systems are used to perform nuclear reactions and observing
particles or gamma rays after reactions for studying nuclear science and nuclear
technology in many laboratories i.e. GANIL, INFN-LNL, RIKEN. Many students
who have just started to master study on nuclear science and nuclear spectroscopy
come across some difficulties for understanding how a nuclear reaction is performed
and how a particle after nuclear reaction is detected in complicated laboratories. We
have some progress on it by using simple photonuclear reaction system.
Photonuclear reactions are performed by using energetic bremsstrahlung photons.
After bombarding of target with photons target nuclei can emit one/two protons and
neutrons depending on energy of photons. Relatively clear spectrum from
measurement of residual activity is obtained in this kind of reaction. In our cases we
use modified clinical linear electron accelerator (cLINAC) used for radiation
therapy before for performing photonuclear reaction. Residual activity is measured
after reaction by using HPGe detector system. This compact nuclear reaction
mechanism and detection tools with limited budget provide deeper understanding of
nuclear experiments for students. Also such a system is useful for studying forensic
science, sterilization and meteor analysis. In the present study, some results obtained
from our compact system used for performing educational photonuclear reactions
are discussed in detail.