A Framework Based on Compiler Design Techniques for Programming Learning Environments


International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Data Processing (IDAP), Malatya, Turkey, 28 - 30 September 2018 identifier

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Full Text
  • Volume:
  • City: Malatya
  • Country: Turkey
  • Karadeniz Technical University Affiliated: Yes


It has been observed that the studies for starting programming learning at an early age have increased in recent years. Programming that enhances the high level cognitive skills of individuals is seen as a competency that must be acquired for everyone nowadays. In current programming learning environments, programming is usually done using visual components. However, it is emphasized that there is little contribution to the transition to actual programming languages by programming with visual components in the studies carried out. For this reason, a new programming learning environment has been developed in this study in which everyone can learn programming. To facilitate programming learning and contribute to the transition of actual programming languages, a new programming language is described which is simple syntax and similar to real programming languages. This language is controlled in terms of meaning and grammar with lexical and syntax analysis steps. The specified compiler design techniques are implemented using finite state machines. Analysis of the created programming language is performed by regular expressions. Instead of providing a free workspace for the user, an environment with quests covering programming concepts is presented. This quest based environment aims at the successful learning process by guiding to the user through feedbacks. The programming learning environment has been developed as an open source software by using computer science and engineering techniques and it is a framework for researchers seeking to develop a similar environment.