TRIBOLOGY INTERNATIONAL, cilt.199, 2024 (SCI-Expanded)
This study extensivelyinvestigatesthe effectsof 10 wt% graphitereinforcementand varyingB4C content(1 wt%,2 wt%, 4 wt%) on the propertiesof Novolacmatrixpolymercompositespreparedby mechanicalmilling-assistedhot pressing.The microstructures,wear surfaces,wear debris,and fracturesurfacesof the producedpolymercompositeswere examinedusingSEM and EDS. The densitymeasurementswere conductedaccordingto theArchimed's principle.Their tribologicalbehaviorwas evaluatedwith a reciprocatingball-on-flatslidingwear testat 50 N, 75 N, and 100 N loads.After the wear tests, surfacetopographywas analyzedin 3D with an opticalprofilometer.The resultsindicatedthat compositeswith 2 wt% B4C had the lowestspecificwear rate and thehighestwear resistance