In this study, some forestry related practices of governments in 1961-2012 period were investigated in the context of forest resources management and administration. Within the scope of the study, developments related to forestry management, timber harvesting, afforestation, forest establishment and forest cadastre were discussed and data, documents and web pages of General Directorate of Forestry and various organizations were used in the study. Mann Whitney U test was used to determine whether there is a significant difference or not between the amount of realization of certain activities by government eras. Some outstanding results of the study are such these: The Ministry of Forestry was established for the first time in 1969 by Justice Party and revoked in 1980 by the Military Government. In 1991, it was reestablished by the Motherland Party. When single-party governments and the other governments are compared, it is found that while there is a significant difference in favor of single-party governments with regard to forest establishment practices including afforestation, there is no difference in industrial wood production. Annual average forest cadastral works during the Justice and Development Party era was approximately six times more than other governments.