Macodesu2015, Trabzon, Turkey, 18 - 20 September 2015
Coastal areas have been the extensive urbanization places for human kind from past to present for their first residential centers due to economic, social, cultural and spatial yields. Furthermore, they bear ecological importance for their natural resources potential and being a transition region in terms of land and sea ecosystem.
The coastal areas in our country are under the pressure of structuring together with the urbanization process carried out with rapid population increase and unearned income concern by being an attraction center due to its natural and cultural richness. Coastal areas which are public space are losing its nature and be abstracted from the other spaces of the city with large scale coastal projects with amendments in the legislation concerning border and neo liberal urbanization. One of the most important indicators of this is the port projects that are highly increased lately.
In this paper, the effects of amendments in the legislation concerning border, upper and lower scale plan decisions and application on the coastal areas will be examined; solution recommendations will be developed in the scope of the integrated coastal areas management regarding the sustainable management of coastal areas towards the problems.
Key Words: Coastal Zone, Legislation concerning border, neo liberal urbanization, large scale coastal project, sustainable coastal management.