Objective: The aim of this study is to determine the drug usage prevalence in university students, specify the characteristics of the users and to compare parental bonding styles between drug users and non-users. Methods: The sample of this study consists of 2013 undergraduate students of Karadeniz Technical University from seven faculties. In the study, the test battery that includes Cigarette Alcohol and Drug Use Prevalence Survey (CADUPS), and Parental Bonding Instrument (PBI) were used. Results: 1167 (58%) of participants are men and 846 (42%) are women. The average age is 23.22 years. Students' life time drug use prevalence is determined as 5.6%. It is found that cannabis is the most widely used substance (3.8%). Drug use prevalence in men (8.1%) is determined significantly higher than women (2.2%) (p<0.001). Drug use is significantly higher in students who are living alone (p=0.003). Drug use is significantly higher in former and current cigarette smokers and alcohol users (p<0.001). Drug use is significantly higher in students who determined themselves in poor level of academic achievement (p<0.001). It is determined that, in the care/control dimension sub-dimension of parental bonding, mother care/control dimension father care/control dimension and total mother and father average scores are significantly higher in non-users compared to drug users (t=3.02, p=0.003; t=3.76, p<0.001; t=3.13, p<0.001; t=3.54, p<0.001). According to results of logistic regression analyze, being men (Odds Ratio=3.30), having a drug use family members (Odds Ratio=4.51), having a non smoking mother (Odds Ratio=0.50) and higher father care/control score (Odds Ratio=0.94) are determinants in drug use. Discussion: It is seen that, in terms of attachment styles healthy attachment styles seen in non drug users. Smoking and alcohol use, living alone, having poor level of academic achievement, having drug user family members are risk factors in terms of drug use. (Anatolian Journal of Psychiatry 2010; 11:305-312)