Determining Practically Temporal Coastline Changing in Trabzon


FIG Congress 2014, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 16 - 21 June 2014, pp.1-11

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Full Text
  • City: Kuala Lumpur
  • Country: Malaysia
  • Page Numbers: pp.1-11
  • Karadeniz Technical University Affiliated: Yes


Coastal areas have been attractive center for people since ancient times. In terms of tourism activities, coasts provide significant contribution to national economy. This contribution is proportional to how well these areas are manage. Turkey is surrounded by sea on three sides so the concepts of coasts have become more important for the country. For this reason, coast laws are based on old dates. Coasts have been made public domain and have been taken under protection. In order to find coast areas, coastline and coast edge line must be determined. According to the Law no 3621/3830, coastline is defined as sea, natural and artificial lake and rivers, except in the case of flood and it refers to the line of points touching the water to land In addition, Coast edge line is defined as natural boundaries of sea, natural and artificial lakes, and rivers. The area between the coastline and coast edge line is called coast. Coastline changes natural ways such as, melting glaciers, tides global warming and meteorological events or artificial factors which made by human such as, improper construction, fill in the sea and sand extraction from the sea. All these factors emerge from with time. Coastline detection and identification of temporal changes in coastal protection and management is important in order to maintain an appropriate manner. In this study, Trabzon province coastline is found as practically with Google Earth satellite images from 2002 to 2012.Costline is digitized form different temporal satellite images and changing is investigate with ArcGIS software.