Sedimentary records of the extensional tectonic regime with temporal cessation: Gumushane Mesozoic Basin (NE Turkey)

Yilmaz C., Kandemir R.

GEOLOGICA CARPATHICA, vol.57, no.1, pp.3-13, 2006 (SCI-Expanded) identifier identifier

  • Publication Type: Article / Article
  • Volume: 57 Issue: 1
  • Publication Date: 2006
  • Journal Indexes: Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI-EXPANDED), Scopus
  • Page Numbers: pp.3-13
  • Karadeniz Technical University Affiliated: No


The Gumushane Mesozoic Basin is characterized by Lower-Middle Jurassic volcanic-siliciclastic sediments (Senkoy Formation), Upper Jurassic-Cenomanian platform carbonates (Berdiga Formation) and Upper Cretaceous turbidites (Kermutdere Formation). Four extensional periods (Lias-Dogger, Turonian-Coniacian, Late Campanian (?) and Early (?) Maastrichtian) separated by two quiet tectonic periods (early Malm-Cenomanian and Santonian-Campanian) have been defined in this sequence. The previous studies suggested that Mesozoic basins only formed by extensional movements in the middle Cretaceous. Three extensional periods seperated by two quiet periods from the Cenomanian to the end of the Maastrichtian in Gumushane and NE Turkey were firstly proved by sedimentological findings in this Study. The definition of these periods depends on features such as (1) neptunian dykes in different levels, (2) shallow marine limestone, (3) thinning-and-fining-upward sequences, (4) mixed faunal assemblages, (5) micro-turbiditic structures, (6) syn-sedimentary fault, (7) grabens, half-grabens, (8) pelagic limestone, (9) calciturbidites, (10) laterally and vertically rapid changes of the thickness and facies, (11) platform-to-basin transition and (12) monogenic breccias.