Objective: To investigate the mediation effect of thought action fusion (TAF) in the relationship between the alexithymia and trait anxiety levels. Method: 985 adolescents ( %55.2 female, n=544, %44.8 male, n=441) between the ages of 11-17 were included in this study. The socio-demographic questionnaire, 20 item Toronto alexithymia scale (TAS-20), thought action fusion inventory for children (TAFIC) and trait anxiety inventory for children (TAI-C) were used. In terms of gender, the mean scores of the scales were compared by independent sample t test. The correlations between the scales were analyzed by Pearson product moment correlation analysis. The mediation effect of TAFIC scores on the relationship between the alexithymia and trait anxiety levels were tested by mediation analyis. The gender and age variables were included in the model as covariants. Results: The mean scores of TAS-20 and TAI-C were higher in females than males, significantly. There were strong correlations between TAS-20 total scores and TAI-C scores. There were weak correlations between TAS-20 and TAFIC total scores; and TAFIC total and TAI-C scores. The mediation analysis indicated that alexithymia levels are directly associated with high anxiety levels. TAF has mediation effect on the relationship between the alexithymia and anxiety levels. Discussion: The alexithymia personality traits may improve anxiety levels in adolescent population, and TAF plays a mediator role in this relationship. It is suggested that, using associated therapeutic interventions focusing on TAF problems may improve the anxiety problems in adolescents presenting with alexithymia personality traits.