Investigation of the Computer Experiences and Attitudes of Preservice Mathematics Teachers: New Evidence from Turkey

Birgin O., Catlioglu H., GÜRBÜZ R., Aydin S.

CYBERPSYCHOLOGY BEHAVIOR AND SOCIAL NETWORKING, vol.13, no.5, pp.571-576, 2010 (SSCI) identifier identifier identifier


This study aimed to investigate the experiences of preservice mathematics (PSM) teachers with computers and their attitudes toward them. The Computer Attitude Scale, Computer Competency Survey, and Computer Use Information Form were administered to 180 Turkish PSM teachers. Results revealed that most PSM teachers used computers at home and at Internet cafes, and that their competency was generally intermediate and upper level. The study concludes that PSM teachers' attitudes about computers differ according to their years of study, computer ownership, level of computer competency, frequency of computer use, computer experience, and whether they had attended a computer-aided instruction course. However, computer attitudes were not affected by gender.