Wood as an energy source: potential trends, usage of wood, and energy politics

Balat M., Bozbas K.

ENERGY SOURCES PART A-RECOVERY UTILIZATION AND ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS, vol.28, no.9, pp.837-844, 2006 (SCI-Expanded) identifier identifier


Wood is the major source of energy in rural Turkey. Wood is the primary heating fuel in 6.5 million homes in Turkey. In 1998, wood was 19.9% of primary energy production and wood had a share in total primary energy consumption of 9.7% in Turkey. In Turkey, fuelwood production was 17.6 mtoe in 1999. In 1998, the annual industrial and firewood production in Turkey was 10 million m3 and 8 million m3, respectively. Total industrial wood production of General Directorate of Forestry (GDF) decreased by 13%, but fuelwood production of GDF increased by 12% in the first eight months of 2003.