Investigation of the Production AA2024 Alloy by Thixoforging and its Mechanical Properties

Creative Commons License

Tamer F. B., Çanakçı A., Çelebi M.

9th International Azerbaijan Congress on Life, Engineering, Mathematical, and Applied Sciences, Baku, Azerbaijan, 20 - 22 December 2024, pp.39-46

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Full Text
  • City: Baku
  • Country: Azerbaijan
  • Page Numbers: pp.39-46
  • Karadeniz Technical University Affiliated: Yes


In this study, AA2024 powders were placed into a sintering mold at specified weights and produced using powder metallurgy, followed by thixoforging as a post-processing method. Due to the significant limitation of powder metallurgy - typically resulting in low density and thereby reduced mechanical properties - the powders were compressed at 208 MPa using cold hydraulic pressing. Subsequently, the samples underwent hot solid-state sintering at 500°C for approximately 90 minutes. To further enhance density and mechanical properties, thixoforging was applied post-sintering. Specimens were reheated to 615°C for 45 minutes, then thixoforged in an open die with a 50% plastic deformation rate, and air-cooled. Upon microstructural examination, a heterogeneous structure of large and small grains was observed. The reheating before forging led to partial melting of alloying elements, which concentrated around the α-Al phase, rounding off the microstructural edges and reducing porosity. Density was measured using Archimedes' Principle, while hardness and tensile strength were evaluated across the cross-section. An increase in density from 97,516% to 99,346% was recorded. Furthermore, by averaging the hardness measurements taken across the cross-section, an improvement from 96 HB to 127 HB was observed, representing an approximate 33% increase. Similarly, tensile strength values showed an increase from 220 MPa to 312 MPa, achieving around a 42% enhancement.