Habitat Use and Diet of Wild Goat in Cehennemdere, Turkey


JOURNAL OF ANIMAL AND VETERINARY ADVANCES, vol.9, no.8, pp.1289-1294, 2010 (SCI-Expanded) identifier identifier


Wild goats chose highly sloped, rocky and steep areas as habitat. The species is known to be distributed in areas at 4000-5000 m elevation from sea level. The diet of wild goats consists of particularly the shoots and fruits of bush species, leaves of trees and herbaceous species. This study analyzed the habitat and feeding characteristics of wild goat population distributed in East Taurus Mountains. Direct area observation conducted in each season between the years of 2007-2009 indicated that the main diet of the wild goats varied according to the seasons. In the observations characteristics of wild goat habitat such as density mixed species and frequency were determined. Based on this data, the diet of wild goats in the study area mainly consisted of mushrooms in winter, Kermes oak and Fabaceae species in summer. Wild goats generally preferred rock vegetation for feeding and red pine forests for lying and resting.