Relation Between The TV And The Realıty: Upon The Arising Of The Movie 'Room'


14th International Symposium Communication in the Millenium, İstanbul, Turkey, 5 - 07 May 2016, pp.103-114

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Full Text
  • City: İstanbul
  • Country: Turkey
  • Page Numbers: pp.103-114
  • Karadeniz Technical University Affiliated: Yes


Mass media, as Baudrillard says, the truth has been replaced by a world of simulation. Individuals withdraw themselves away from their own reality and put themselves in the simulation which has been offered to them and accept it as realities of everyday life. Compared to other mass media, television is the most common simulation tool. Individuals who remain unresponsive against re-produced simulations, move themselves away from the realities of everyday life in the fickle society. As to Mass Communication or in other words life/experience mediums, the reality of today’s individual Alice’s of fluid and fickle society consist of jumping into daily life it determines perception of reality and the size. From this point of the study is an effort to discover insights about the reality in the movie Room. The movie offers the viewers, the majority of unawareness of people about their daily lives between simulation and real world is representated by a child who has experienced it with trauma.This simulation which is obtained across the screen does not only represent the reality of the experiences but at the same time, gets out of the room and begins to see the world the likes of Jack and shows us how actually offered simulation in everyday life is limited experiences are and how individuals remain passive in a situation as this. World of Jack and his mother’s in a shed, never connected to real life passes only within the frame that television offers. Five-year-old jack, like the individuals who are trying to experience their everyday life with the simulation, just like fickle fluidity of the mass media society offers, stucks between real and simulation.from the first connection that is established with the real world. The aim of this study is approached with the method of qualitative analysis of the movie ‘ Room’ through the mass media that is considered inconstant in today’s fluid societies, where the individuals exposed to dealing with the realities of the struggle to emerge from the simulations and who are struggling to get back to their daily life reality. Key Words: New media, daily life, movie, room, reality, fickle society, mass media