Research Trends of Using Emotional Design in Multimedia Learning: A Content Analysis of 2010-2019 Decade

Şahin Timar Z.

VII. International Multidisciplinary Congress of Eurasia, Antalya, Turkey, 24 - 26 April 2019, pp.27-28

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Summary Text
  • City: Antalya
  • Country: Turkey
  • Page Numbers: pp.27-28
  • Karadeniz Technical University Affiliated: Yes


Through technology, many media such as pictures, texts, sounds can be used together. These media are named as multimedia. Multimedia is used in areas such as television, radio, flyer, internet advertising or broadcasting or entertainment. Another area of use of multimedia is teaching-learning environments. Because multimedia allows for the use of media such as images, sounds, texts, and graphics, together, it provides an interactive learning environment, thus facilitates learning and helps to make learning permanent. There are principles to be considered when designing multimedia learning materials. These principles help to develop multimedia learning materials that do not generate extra cognitive load in users. However, in these principles, students' motivation to learn appears to be neglected. The reason for this is that adding motivation-enhancing elements to teaching-learning environments can increase cognitive load. Motivation is important because it helps, learners' readiness to use their cognitive resources for the productive processes, motivate them to use these resources, and make efforts to learn. In the literature, there are studies suggesting that it is appropriate to use emotional design in the design of multimedia learning materials to overcome this problem. These studies show that emotional design increases students' motivation without creating additional cognitive load. In the world, there has not been found to any study to determine the tendency of studies on the use of emotional design in multimedia learning materials. For this reason, it is considered that it is important to evaluate the studies on the use of emotional design in multimedia learning environments with methodological dimensions, to present existing trends and to make suggestions for future studies. The aim of this study is, to determine the general trends of studies, in which emotional design is used in multimedia learning materials, that are published in indexed journals, peer-reviewed journals, and full-text papers, through examining study's methodological dimensions. For this purpose, articles which have been published since 2010 in the world, and have been published in SSCI index journals and articles published in refereed journals and full-text reports published in the proceedings of national and international conferences, will be examined with content analysis method. The data, collected by the evaluation form of the publication about the emotional design in the multimedia learning materials, will be analyzed by the descriptive statistics method, and the collected data will be evaluated on these dimensions: the purpose of the study, the variables, the method, the participants, data collection tools, data analysis methods, and findings. In the preliminary study, 9 articles published in SSCI index journals and 1 fulltext paper were examined. As a result of the preliminary analysis, it was determined that quantitative methods were preferred, the experimental design was used as research design, studies were conducted mostly with university students, scales and questionnaires were used as data collection tools and quantitative data analysis methods were preferred.